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Default product

This is a default product.
Base price: 10,00 ₨
Base price for variant: 10,00 ₨
Variant price modifier:
Base price with tax: 12,00 ₨
Sales price: 11,40 ₨
Sales price without tax: 9,50 ₨
Discount: -0,60 ₨
Tax amount: 1,90 ₨
Price / kg:

Default product with standart settings no customfields. You can set:

Tab Product Information
- General: Published, On Featured, Product SKU, Product Name, Produkt alias, URL,
- Assignation:Manufacturer, Product Categories, Shopper Groups, Type of Product detail page
- Product pricing: Cost price, Base price, Final price, Override, and priceranges dependant on Shopper group.
- You can add Child products here also.

Tab Product Description
- Description, Short description, Meta information

Tab Product Status
- Stock amount, Low Stock notification, Minimum and maximum purchase quantity, Availability Date + image
- Booked, ordered products amount, Quantity Steps
- Also it is possible to send email to shopper who bought this product.

Tab Dimension and Weight
- Lenght, Width, Height, Weight, Packing, and Units in Box

Tab Product images
- Use already uploaded images
- Set image information
- Upload new image
- manage thumbnail

Tab Custom Fields
- Set related Categories & Products
- Select customfields


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